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Primary Schools - Online Tutorial

So Social Media

Video: 13 minutes

This is an interactive video for young children, Primary School Year 5 & 6 and Parents. 


It is 13 minutes long and we recommend it is viewed by a child with a parent to facilitate conversations and assist with some of the exercises.  

You can stop and start the video as and where and when you want to think/discuss a point with your parent or to complete the exercise. 


The video provides awareness of the online dangers that include –  


  1. Cyber-bullying 

  2. Grooming 

  3. Tracking Moves 

  4. Gaming 

  5. Oversharing and 

  6. Inappropriate photographs

You will need some pens and paper to help you complete.

The video signposts referral pathways to relevant organisations that can provide assistance. 


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